initiative of Fausta Orecchio, the unstoppable half of the publishing house Ear Acerbo have been two very interesting and commendable initiatives.
The first, chronologically, covers the opening of a new publishing house, the Else (Editions Books and Prints and More) which has already published his first book titled
and LSE is primarily a workshop dedicated to screen printing, book in which the object is built up step by step, a place where paper, textiles, pigments, frames finds its ideal location, in a practical application of a free grammar of the imagination. From the hands of each, which develops intuitive that intelligence in the act of making concrete, are drawn and created new cultural and artistic horizons.
arises from an act of sharing Roots, a book which contains seventeen stories
are the stories of seventeen, seventeen cultures near and far, seventeen souls who are, through art and words, his own universe on the edge between past and present. An act of collective creation of intercultiralità understood in its noblest sense as part of a gesture of sharing unbiased.
I am moved by the thought of renewing old and yet these actions: Seventeen people sew, laugh, cut, cry, bound, joking and talking, telling stories of distant, remote country, just as when, in the warmth of the barn, the Our farmers recall the magia delle fiabe della tradizione popolare, davanti al crepitare del fuoco, adornandole con i tocchi della propria fantasia.
La seconda iniziativa riguarda due workshop che si terranno a Roma, presso la sede di Orecchio Acerbo, nel mese di febbraio.
Il primo , dal 18 al 20 febbraio , avrà come tema " Come aprire una casa editrice "
Questa la descrizione: "Il successo di una casa editrice non è legato solo alla qualità del progetto editoriale e dei libri pubblicati. Molti sono gli aspetti che contribute to the success and survival of a publishing house: from promotion to the relationship with libraries and the network of sales, distribution, administration, the relationship with the authors to the press office. These aspects are common to all publishers but particularly delicate when it comes to children's books. During the workshop we will reason together on all these elements, tracing the basics. It will also seek together to answer the question: Will the child be considered a player or a consumer? "
The second , February 25 to 27, will be dedicated to: " The object book "
Questa la descrizione: "Il workshop vuole essere l'occasione per soffermarsi sulla funzione della grafica nel libro illustrato. Molti saranno i temi trattati: dalla scrittura tipografica al rapporto fra parola e immagine fino alla parola usata come immagine. Più in generale si discuterà delle immagini e del loro utilizzo in funzione dell’amplificazione dei significati. Insieme si lavorerà sui segni, sui significati e sui percorsi narrativi. Si affronterà inoltre il percorso di un libro illustrato, dalla sua progettazione fino alla sua realizzazione. Il workshop sarà accompagnato da esercitazioni pratiche."
Due workshop interessantissimi not to be missed because, besides being a useful tool for understanding the mechanisms that lie behind the production of books and the operation of publishing houses, represent a unique opportunity to learn to deal directly with the leaders of a publishing house that For years, works hard producing books manicured, high quality, which shows attention to detail and love for literature and art.
If you want more information, find everything here .
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