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Review: World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm

The cataclysm has finally arrived.
the Rogue is perhaps one of the classes that have undergone more changes following the patch 4.0.1 che ha portato la revisione delle classi in Cataclysm. Oltre al generale sconvoglimento dei talenti e delle abilità comune a tutti, i motivi sono essenzialmente tre: l'introduzione dei veleni come abilità, la rimozione di Master of Deception e finalmente la correzione delle meccaniche di Vanish e Cloak of Shadows. Innanzitutto possiamo scordarci le vecchie meccaniche di fabbricazione dei veleni che, sebbene molto adatte alla classe come personaggio, erano diventate complicate da gestire data la mole di reagenti da avere nelle proprie borse in ogni situazione. Ora infatti ogni veleno è un'abilità che scala con il livello del personaggio proprio come fosse una spell, semplificando la vita dei Rogue notevolmente. In generale i veleni non have changed a lot compared to before, except perhaps for Wound Poison has become much more like a new Mortal Strike on the apparent reduction in the base damage. In any case, Blizzard has expressly stated that this class was to be the queen of stealth. From this followed two changes are really important and in our opinion crucial to the gameplay. Master of Deception talent required to use Stealth without worrying about being detected, was removed and given directly to all the Rogue, so that is not physically in the game. Also activating Vanish and Cloak of Shadows will no longer encounter a certain randomness in the removal of debuffs (which often lead to useless ability of the two) with total immunity granted (for 3 and 5 seconds respectively) and its implementation with no bugs. Now we can really say that the Rogue is the master of shadows! Starting from the branch Assassination , we see the introduction of a new talent as interesting, or revenge. The absence of a proper cooldown for this species to be used during more intense DPS had always set itself less attractive for PvE players, who tended to prefer the branch Combat. Now that has changed. However despite the strong performance of the branch in Combat Cataclysm, we noticed a slight increase of DPS branch Assassination also due in the new Cold Blood now regenerates Energy Rogue to 25 points, good in both PvE and PvP, to increase the damage burst. Apart from the fact that now is used to enhance Venomous Wounds Rupture as finishing, the Rogue Assassination also have a new trump card: the talent Murderous Intent. Thanks to it when the enemy has less than 35 percent of its total life greatly increases the regeneration of the Energy as well as the accumulation of Combo Points and the speed with which one to use the various skills. It can be said that the branch hours Assassination wins with a few percentage points of difference on the other Rogue talent tree in terms of pure DPS, which could be debated by the nose to some, given that as species prefers the use of other than Dagger weapons. The Combat branch has been much discussed initially because of its low efficiency. From the most powerful spec, there was found disoriented due to being really too small. Now fortunately no longer the case. First, this branch is the one that serves a more careful choice of weapons to use because of Combat Potency talent around which the entire recovery system Energy. Then we had better choose a very fast off-hand to optimize this aspect, which is very pleasing given the best use of Deadly Poison, which also requires a fast weapon to increase your chances of proc. As the main-hand instead introduces Combat Rogue weapon as slow as possible, in the range of swords and axes, as Eviscarate, Sinister Strike Killing Spree and working on a proc per minute, not for blow. This gives great variety in the use of weapons by Combat Rogue who see even a new ability to simply go to spam Sinister Strike or Strike-Revealing that increases by 20% the damage inflicted by the finisher. Bandit's Guile along with the talent, which allows the rogue to do more damage depending on how many combo points have on them. This system basically gives this class a variety that did not have before, alternating Sinister Strike and Revealing in a sensible order and waiting for the right time to use as the cooldown Adrenaline Rush, expects metnre refresh Slice and Dice. So the branch Combat is very fun to play together as a coordinated strategy and definitely more excited moments where you will trigger a lot of skills in a small window of time. The branch Subtlety has undergone change that would allow him to compete in DPS with the other classes (while theoretically still well below Assassination and Combat - say that now is not just useless). However, this has come with a price: the incredible complexity in the game. Honor Among Thieves is certainly an exceptional talent, which allows for very many Combo Points available without needing to run out of Energy. Because of Sanguinery Vein to make good use of the branch Subtlety Bleeding Effects, we should apply as much as possible about the target, and maintain them. This means using every minute Hemorrhage and Rupture choose as the first finisher. The second finisher will Eviscerate instead, thanks to the talent Serretad Blades reapply the debuff Rupture. Obviously the need to open combat with Garrote, skills in addition to the list. But there's more: do not think you do not use Slice and Dice course and especially not to use a fourth finisher, or Recover data that is actually providing the ability to recover thanks to the talent Energetic Energy Recovery. All this adds talent final, or Shadow Dance, allowing usare le abilità esclusive dello Stealth anche se non si è nascopsti per la sua intera durata. Il quadro di Subtlety si fa dunque molto complesso e richiede molta abilità per essere usato in maniera efficiente in PvE, pur rimanendo molto comodo per il PvP. In Cataclysm il Rogue è sinonimo di Stealth. Da sola questa notizia rende tutti felici, insieme anche al rinnovato ramo Assassination e alla rinfrescata di quello Combat, ora più vario e meglio concepito, tolti tutti i noiosi talenti di specializzazione delle armi. Subtlety invece richiederà un lavoro più intenso da parte di Blizzard, dato che per ora sembra proprio troppo ricco di elementi per poter essere utilizzato in tutti i comparti di gioco.
I mana-user in generale in questa espansione si sono ritrovati un po' alle strette. Blizzard ha modificato infatti tutti i coefficienti riguardanti la rigenerazione del mana in combattimento, rendendo di fatto a livello 85 molto ostico per alcune classi. Gli healer di certo sono stati quelli più colpiti (anche se pure il Mago attualmente sui server soffre più del pronosticato) e il Prete, la classe più rappresentativa di questo ruolo, non fa di certo eccezione e anzi forse ha subito il cambiamento più degli altri. Il ramo Holy vede un ritorno in grande stile dell'abilità Chastise insieme all'introduzione del sistema del Chakra. Quest'ultima è un'abilità attivabile ogni 30 secondi che permette di entrare in uno "stato di chakra" a Depending on the spell you use after. There are three stages of the Chakra-related skills that cause them (that Heal, Prayer of Healing and Smite). Each stage provides a bonus limited in time and connected to the ability that has begun, and more changes in the function of Chastise. Once we turned on the Chakra and a choice of the skills, ability becomes Chastise different additions that further enhances that role. Heal Brown Stadium as there will be an increase in the Chakra treatment and 10% Chastise became an instant cure with 15s cooldown, allowing for greater efficiency on treatment directed at a single target. With Prayer of Healing cooldown instead we have a decrease in the Circle of Healing di due secondi e Chastise diventa una cura ad area, permettendo una miglior gestione delle cure all'intero party in cui ci troviamo. Infine castando Smite rimarremo sostanzialmente in uno stato "neutro" dove Chastise rimane la spell originale atta a fare danno. Tutto questo lo vediamo come un'ottima aggiunta al ramo Holy, che si delinea come vero e proprio ramo adatto per curare direttamente i propri compagni. Infine notiamo un altro paio di talenti interessanti introdotti: Rapid Renewal che diminuisce il cooldown del Renew e ne permette un uso più efficace; Surge of Light che invece da un 6 percento di probabilità sul cast di Heal che il prossimo Flash Heal sia istantaneo e non costi mana. La prima introduzione parla per se: più Renew significa Instantly care more efficient. The second one is quite questionable, since the basic Heal a cure is very slow and previously little used. The priests-we-must get used to more efficiently use the same benefit for Heal the Holy tree talent, and chakra, especially because the cost of Flash Heal is now prohibitive to maintain in long fights. The new main branch of the Discipline Archangel is talent, combined with its prerequisite Evangelism. The basic concept is the same: Power Word: Shield spell remains the favorite of the Discipline Priest, followed by Penance, of course, but thanks to the talent Atonement, which converts the damage of Smite in a cure, and how it is structured il sistema Evangelism/Archangel si vedranno healer che attaccheranno il nemico una volta "scudati" un po' di compagni. Infatti Evangelism si potenzia grazie alla spell offensiva Smite (unita al Glifo Divine Accuracy e al talento riportato sopra, ora cura anche qualcuno, ma sempre dopo un hit sul nemico) e arriva fino a 5 cariche. Dopodichè si può attivare Archangel che consuma queste cariche (in stile combo points dei Rogue) e aumenta l'healing totale del 5 percento per ogni carica consumata. Il ramo Discipline vede quindi un potenziamento delle cure dirette, usabili quando gli scudi sono già stati tutti posizionati su chi di dovere, aiutando così a curare effettivamente i party e i raid. Un'altra grande novità è il talento end of this branch or Power Word: Barrier. The potential seems really good for this ability that mitigates 30% of the damage inflicted on members of the raid who are within a certain area for 10 seconds. The branch Shadow sees the introduction of a mechanical interesting: it is possible to give the cost of hit points, mana than usual. After a long gestation in which the Shadow branch has undergone radical changes in design, Blizzard has decided to put in place Shadow Word: Death. Now this looks like a spell and Execute does damage to the target is relatively low at both the caster, unless it be in the range below 25 percent of the life of the enemy, in which case the damage is tripled. To mitigate the damage on themselves and reduce the cooldown (10 seconds of the base) must use either the glyph is a special talent (Pain and Suffering) which reduces the damage inflicted on those who cast 40 percent. Other significant changes come on the talents Shadowy Apparitions and Sin and Punishment. Despite the underlying Shadow priest is played in much the same way at first, now every time the Shadow Word: Pain deals damage you will have 16 percent probability that a copy of ourselves that we begin to attack the target on which we launched the spell. Moreover, if we move, we increase this probability by 20 percent. Clearly, Blizzard wanted to offer something to the Shadow Priest to help him during the fighting più mobili, anche se è sempre stata una classe caster senza particolari problemi di staticità. Per quanto riguarda invece Sin and Punishment, il cooldown dello Shadowfiend viene diminuito di 10 secondi ogni volta che una nostra magia è un colpo critico. Tutto questo di fatto ha cambiato relativamente poco il gameplay, ma ha portato novità interessanti e competitive. Una nota molto negativa invece riguarda la Mastery associata. Ora come ora sembrerebbe proprio che sia inutile accumulare Mastery Point per il Prete Shadow a causa di un'implementazione frettolosa: le Shadow Orb servono a poco. Rispetto al bonus in spell power che garantisce INT e rispetto a crit ed haste rating, la mastery non aumenta in maniera sufficiente il danno derivante dalle Shadow Orb to justify spending points in that direction. We hope that the matter should be resolved as soon as possible, but we are not confident as Blizzard has just implemented this mechanism. Apart from a slip on the branch Shadow, the Priest takes his unique gameplay. We feel very satisfied with how Blizzard has handled the healing classes, but the fear is to succumb against other classes such as Paladins and Druids. In practice the good work of diversification is largely frustrated by a futile Mastery (Shadow - but does not prevent the spec to defend themselves very well in terms of pure DPS) Holy spec and a bit 'stiff, very slow to cast and not excel in any particular field, while being suitable for treatment in any situation. Discipline is very likely the sort of excellence for the Priest as well as providing a very effective damage prevention, also provides some strength and offensive spells.
The Death Knight tions may have been a change in important regards the system of regeneration of the Runes. Right now the second rune for each type is regenerated only if the first rune is active. In practice this means that the Death Knight is considered to have three bars of energy that can be charged regardless. A change of this kind led the class to be played in a much less fixed and pre-calculated with the introduction of a skill that passively Runic-Empowerment regenerates a rune at random after each use Death Strike, Frost Strike or Rune Strike (with a probability of 45 percent do so). In general, however, play the Death Knight has become more fun than before since the random element fits very well with the true concept gives three different rune bars to use (and therefore be able to use every GCD with more ease, without being strangled by priority of casting). The branch has become Blood specifically dedicated to tanking. Remaining a branch rather flexible since the essential talents are few and you can change some to your liking, the Blood tree remains entirely focused on the mechanics of that still generates a lot of Rune Strike threat. That is a talent like Scent of Blood is very welcome, together with passive skill specialization that every 3 minutes converts any and all Frost Unholy Death Runes Runes in general to be used at will. Mention must for the Blood Shield Mastery that functions as a shield to prevenirte damage. Beyond these changes, the gameplay has remained fairly unchanged, if one considers the comprehensive amendment to the regeneration of the runes, and the Death Knight tank is one of the most solid thanks to many cooldowns to use in an emergency and the ability to Death Strike cured with talent. The branch Frost has been the least touched by change. Now you can use either two-handed weapons that two weapons in one hand as the talents you take. In the second case will not Rune Power, allowing you to spend points in Icy Reach for better mobility. But the most significant change, noting that the gameplay remains the same, is adding to the buff dell'Obliterate Killing Machine which actually means that we will use it forever. And 'a must see that there is currently a debate about Presence eto use this branch. Our experience has made us lean towards the Frost Presence in the case of those who would use two weapons, while the Unholy for those who would use two-handed weapons. This is due to the Might of the Friozen Wastes which gives a 45 percent chance of regenerating 10 Runic Power dell'autoattack shots with just a weapon if you hold with both hands. Regarding Unholy we feel better able to say that the tree of this expansion for the Death Knight. Data standard that all take some talent (such as Ebon Plaguebringer and Rage of Rivendare) tree leaves room for a dozen points in Blood or Frost branch depending on how you want to refine your fighting style. A good example is the three points in Runic Power Mastery, ccording tier als still going to take Improved Blood Blood Tap. Despite, however, is no longer possible to use the dual-wielding for Unholy, in general, this class is very competitive and almost reaches the peaks of the branch with regard to Frost the pure DPS. The ability to use are always priorities in the casting and after a round of Disease and Dark Transformation things get easier as you will use in sequence Scourge Strike, Death Strike and Festering Coil. The Death Knight, based only on numbers, is perhaps the best class that starts in Cataclysm. The DPS specs are very efficient and quite simple to use, while still ensuring a high damage compared to even the most complex classes to be used as the mage and hunter. The gameplay has always been the same and perhaps the only change worth noting is that relating to the regeneration of the runes. We wanted something new instead of just maybe more details and refinements. But perhaps, as things stand, it would be asking too much.
The Paladin class was the absolute most troubled by the development. Of everything and more and is a continuation after the fateful day when Blizzard announced that it would introduce a system "on combo points" for this class: new talents that statistics were changing from day to day, old talents that disappear and reappear, and even talent that changed every branch beta build. Many have complained about this lack of ideas in the implementation by Blizzard that almost borders on the ridiculous. But all that has gone through luck. The first change is the introduction of a new resource-Holy Power. Each time you use Crusader Strike o Holy Shock guadagnerete un punto di Holy Power fino a un massimo di tre, dopodichè potrete usare grazie a questi punti altre abilità la cui efficacia dipenderà da quanti ne avrete accumulati. Sebbene inizialmente scettici bisogna ammettere che questa nuova risorsa risulta ad oggi forse uno dei migliori cambiamenti fatti per i paladini. La cosa più evidente è che ora i Paladini (soprattutto Retribution e Protection) avranno delle scelte più accurate da fare per spendere il proprio mana, ampliando moltissimo le strategie di gioco possibili. Al ramo Protection è stata data la possibilità di avere due stili di gioco molto differenti fra loro. Da una parte abbiamo una classica impostazione da tank generico, il cui strength is the high threat generation. Notable in this case the departure of Consecration from the rotation for the single-target. Another feature of this first approach is the new skill tree Protection Divine Guardian, which gives the raid, but other than that to champion the spear, a reduction of 20 percent to all incoming damage for six seconds. In general, not much has changed for those who choose to generate a greater threat and this new ability porebbe be in great demand because of the indisputable value if used the right time. On the other hand, the introduction of Word of Glory, a spell that cures any target using all the Holy Power, has led to use in tanking truly effective. For who has never thought of a tank that can heal itself? At a cost of actually producing less threat and thus be more at risk during the boss fight-sensitive, this second type of Paladin Protection is all about damage mitigation. Thanks to the talents Protector of the Innocents and we can cure ourselves using Word Eternal Glory of Glory and receive additional care in a more automatic with the probability of regenerating Holy Power to do so. All this adds new talent (almost compulsory for every spec Protection) Guarded by the Light, which converts the overhealing received in a shield that absorbs any type of damage. Right now the Protection Paladins can be considered more than satisfied: have lost something in tanking multiple of the high cost of Consecration (also talents to Hallowed Grounds) and also in threat generation, but have gained strength against none. Retribution is probably the class that has benefited most of the introduction of Holy Power. Always commands used by this species were not closely related to a priority of casting that forced players to optimize timing, which flattened much of it made the gameplay. Now we have to worry primarily to accumulate Holy Power, thanks to the evergreen Crusader Strike and some talent as Sanctity of Battle (which depend on the cooldown of Crusader Strike by haste) and Divine Purpose (which allows di generare Holy Power come proc dalle spell). Una volta generati i punti necessari avremo altre abilità da usare: Templar's Verdict (un attacco istantaneo), Divine Storm (un attacco istantaneo ad area) e Inquisistion (un buff che aumenta il danno Holy del 30 percento). Altre introduzioni degne di nota sono Rebuke, ovvero un silence non legato al GCD, Holy Wrath che ora fa danno a tutti e non solo a demoni e undead (andando a colmare facilmente lo spazio tra diversi GCD) e il cambiamento generale dei Seal, ora semplificati anche se la meccanica di base deve essere vopviamente tenuta in considerazione. Infine da notare come le varie Aure di resistenza siano state integrate tutte in una sola Resistance Aura, cambiamento in linea con l'omogeinizzazione General PvE buff for all classes. Turning to the Holy branch in this case we can say that things have changed for the better. Already we have seen the introduction of WotLK Holy Shock and Flash of Light spell to use as an alternative to the traditional Holy Light, thanks to increasing the reserves of mana for this class. Cataclysm has provided this branch of two new spells which make the gameplay definitely different curator of armor. Light of Dawn and Holy Radiance are two snapshots care to area appear to fill the main flaw of the old tree, or the lack of ability to keep alive the Paladin more companions at once. In addition, both spell (the first area to a cure cone front and the second circular area centered at Paladino) also treat the Paladin himself. All this adds to the already mentioned Protector of the Innocent, which coupled with good old Beacon of Light allows in practice to treat three people at once with a single cast: no longer having to think about your life bar also means we can think of better ones others! We should also mention the Speed \u200b\u200bof Light talent that makes it practically usable at best Holy Radiance, along with providing some flexibility in movement. In fact, taking Speed \u200b\u200bof Light and Holy Radiance increase our brown walking speed of twenty percent. This buff in fights hardest-those where it has always in constant motion, it makes life much easier to treat even small groups of people apart. Ultimately, though not yet up to treat large groups of people as do the Priests and Druids, the Holy Paladin is the biggest healer with care and higher numbers when it comes to overall healing and can now also to ensure good support to care for multiple targets. With so many changes in the Paladin that older players do not recognize definitely the gameplay. Perhaps the biggest flaw of all this was just that: having to re-learn everything from scratch due to re-design so massive even when compared to all other classes and managed in such a sudden way to be confused. But given the excellent results achieved by Blizzard, we roll up our sleeves and we enjoy a final class more diverse and less linear.
After this long overview of the new classes of game is a must also dwell on crafting-system. In reality there is not much to say about old jobs as had been revised and corrected during the old growth, ensuring a balance between the various upgrade rather well defined. So the substance has not changed for almost anyone: Blacksmith, Tailoring, Leatherworking and Enchanting remain completely unchanged and the new additions (some non-combat pet to create, and the like) are not enough to alleviate il generale senso di trascuratezza che si prova nel vedere le stesse identiche possibilità presenti in WotLK riproposte pari pari con le sole statistiche aumentate; Jewelcrafting è stata ricalibrata leggermente verso il basso, con un bonus esclusivo in parte ridotto e con il costo di produzione delle gemme diminuito per evitare l'inflazione tipica di questa professione (che comunque secondo noi avverrà nonostante tutto) e ha ottenuto ovviamente le nuove gemme che aumentano il Mastery Rating, ma anch'essa al di là di questo non vede l'introduzione di nulla di speciale; una nota decisamente negativa va a Inscription, professione che andrebbe seriamente rivista da Blizzard. Introdotta solo nella vecchia espansione, Inscription in Cataclysm ha subito un colpo clamoroso dato che i glifi sono ora diventati delle abilità da acquisire e non degli oggetti da scambiare (come le gemme). Inoltre il beneficio unico di professione è rimasto lo stesso (l'enchant sulle spalle) senza alcuna aggiunta. Speriamo che la situazione venga risolta al più presto, altrimenti nei prossimi mesi vedremo calare mostruosamente il numero di giocatori che scelgono questa, per ora largamente inutile, professione. Infine mentre le professioni di gathering sembrano ormai soltanto adatte per passare le ore a grindare come pazzi, Engineering emerge dalla generale piattezza e si rinnova. Infatti avremo Recipes che sono utili per i più vari scopi (come ad esempio il Goblin Barbecue, ovvero il nuovo Fish Feast, e il Loot-a-Rang, una fionda per recuperare il bottino dalla distanza) e anche le nuove Cog-Wheels, ovvero delle specie di gemme più potenti ma da usare in numero limitato (come quelle Prismatiche); inoltre Engineering mantiene anche i soliti benefici come un elmo epico e le modifiche tecnologiche (di fatto dei buff) per diversi pezzi di equipaggiamento. Venendo ai nuovi contenuti i giocatori si ritrovano di fronte a Reforging e Archaeology . Quest'ultima è una nuova professione secondaria accessibile a tutti che in sostanza funziona in maniera molto simile a una gathering skill. Una volta che saremo stati introdotti alle basi della ricerca storiografica (per l'alleanza avremo come professore niente meno che un certo "Harrison Jones ") we will see on our map of small blades that are of archaeological excavations to explore. Once you have chosen one of the sixteen active excavations, we can bring us there and try to triangulate the location of the find to find. Each finding is related to a project Existing research on each breed (playable or not) that will provide unprecedented information on the lore of the game and some very pleasant aesthetic object (such as non-combat pet and pieces of equipment really unorthodox.) Archaeology seems very interesting as well as the joy for any fan of the events of Azeroth (and indeed in spite of all it is), but even if any excavation is personal and unrelated to the other players, and therefore there is no competition for the findings, the whole is flat and monotonous and could be defined as "the last frontier of the grind. In fact a part of some irritation when another player blows his nose a particularly rich vein of material, but this fact also makes other interesting Herbalism and Mining with the various tactics and patrols designed on purpose. So the competition is only removed a long and tedious way of collecting which frankly we would rather avoid. Turning to Reforging However, we can define us completely satisfied. Although it is not actually a profession ranks it as such because it requires some knowledge of the mechanics game. We can now go dall'Arcane Reforger with our best equipment and change statistics for each item within certain limits set according to the level of the same, all at a cost of some gold coin. Although very simple at the base, in one fell swoop Reforging eliminates a problem and adds a new dimension to the game: no more run the last object in Best Slot (which will remain for the min / maxer fans spreadsheets) and at the same time Additional customization of your character. Reforging asked to engage in fact a very good knowledge of the dynamics of the class of the player and an even more profound various Skill Tree given the differences in statistics su cui si basano. Un difetto in questo caso potrebbe essere che al cambio di talenti andrà di pari passo un cambio di Reforging dell'equipaggiamento e relativa spesa piuttosto consistente. Il tutto però rimane davvero divertente dato che i risultati derivanti da questa "professione" sono immediatamente utili per tutti. Infine concludiamo con una considerazione personale sempre su Inscription: perchè non collegarla direttamente a Reforging e risolvere così la sua stagnazione?
Con questo speciale si conclude l'analisi nel dettaglio di molte delle caratteristiche di Cataclysm. Rimangono ancora degli argomenti da trattare in sede di recensione, ovvero il leveling rinnovato (dal livello 1 al 60 e dall'80 all'85), i contenuti end-game, Guild leveling system and the technical sector. In each case four days after its release, Cataclysm is revealed that an expansion of some dispute, however, adds greatly to the game world. In the coming days will see on these pages the last article on the cataclysm of the last years most popular MMO, including description of the above and our final decision. Adapted from



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