Dear readers,
return after a pause, not announced, due to my presence at the Salon de Montreuil . I apologize for not having sent official word, maybe my reticence on the matter is due to the fact that I did not feel "on hold" because all my actions was to these pages.
In the coming weeks I will start the analysis of some works are closer to the Salon, for now I just have a little guide to what I could see, hear and feel during the fair, along with a small selection of works that I found (obviously the selection is limited for reasons of time and personal taste, many books would be a good title more than worthy to be part of).
As always, the French scene is full of discoveries and stress, although even here we begin to breathe air heavy with the new financial measures taken by the French Government. It therefore remains open debate on the future of children's and the state of culture in general: after the announced closure of Etre Editions, as well as I had already announced here, and after the substantial cuts that are causing the chiusira of activities association Livres au Trésor , France is to deal with a growing fear that often results in a kind of editorial inconsistency that is increasingly worrying widening, as though we were trying to broaden their editorial, clinging to life rafts alleged that deviate from the initial design many publishers to avoid drowning. Now, I spontaneously ask: to what extent it is wise and just move away from a publisher's editorial policy, to collect or receive under his roof texts, designs, necklaces, that have little to do with that line drawn from the start? Obviously I do not presume to give any response, if anything, you had me you'd love to hear together and open a debate.
on the prospects of literature for children, IBBY France and the BNF (Bibliothèque Nationale de France - Centre National de la littérature pour la Jeunesse La Joie par les Livres ) organized the very interesting conference titled: "Rencontres européennes second de la littérature pour la jeunesse ", during which there is discussion of the ways of the creation in Europe (with the participation of important illustrators such as Dusan Kallay, Arnal Ballester Mölck-Tassel, Bernd ) and the practice of publishing, and promotion of mediation desrinati books for children. Soon will be available the proceedings of the talks, who was inetressato can quickly find them here .
As I mentioned above there, despite concerns and doubts, the Salon is an important moment of reflection and sharing that is worth to be lived fully by those who are interested in this field. The latest that we have reserved our cousins \u200b\u200bacross the Alps, is the upcoming opening of a new school in Montreuil: "L'Ecole du livre de jeunesse" , aimed at providing resources and information to various partners involved in spreading and deepening understanding of children's books, but also alle famiglie, attraverso ateliers specifici di formazione. Fra i quindici, bravissimi, collaboratori della scuola, che aprirà ufficialmente i battenti nel 2011, ci sarà anche il carissimo Christian Bruel! Nella speranza che la sua genialità e l'esperienza fatta in questi anni possano contribuire a far sbocciare tanti sorrisi che mordono* !
Passiamo ora a qualche brevissima segnalazione, alcuni libri sono datati ma il loro valore è a mio avviso tale che non posso non metterli nella lista:
Monsieur Cent Têtes , di Ghislaine Herbéra, Edizioni MeMo , 10 January 2010. Album Premier Prix of the Salon.
Le Petit Homme et Dieu , Kitty Crowther, Editions L'Ecole des Loisirs - Pastel , September 2010
Ici Londres , Vincent Cuvellier, illustrations by Anne Herbauts, Rouergue Editions, January 2009.
to finish with a flourish and a collection of poems
published by Bayard Jeunesse from 2003 to now as Hors Collection.
The works are not listed in order of preference, much less in chronological order ... are quite fragmented. Some of these I will speak more fully soon, so "stay tuned" as they say Anglophones!
all for now.
* For the uninitiated, the first publisher of C. Bruel called The Sourire Mord here, that "the smile that bites."
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