Breath. Which means one thing: I'm still alive. I'm cold. I feel nauseous. The head seems to want to explode, they are lying on a table, like an animal, a laboratory guinea pig. I feel the splinters of wood to bite my flesh, where my jacket was torn apart in the aftermath. The accident. Lampi. Memory. Lightning from the sky. I ran that night. Fastest of the night, faster than the rain. Me and my two companions, lost souls in a land cursed .. We did our job and we did well. Clean the area. From its horrors, its wickedness; monstrous wickedness of the sons of men. For each hole on the ground, I could almost feel the crunch of dry bones spezzate di quelle sventurate creature che portavamo come triste fardello. Non più umane, ma neanche bestie. Ho sentito qualche scienziato chiamarli Mutanti. Il frutto delle radiazioni di questa terra maledetta. Maledetta, come quella nostra missione. La collera dei cieli, sotto forma di un fulmine, si è abbattuta sul nostro furgone. Ricordo appena lo schianto, la puzza di carne bruciata, le grida dei miei compagni. Poi l'Oscurità si è chiusa su di me. Ho creduto, quasi sperato che fosse per sempre. Ma non ho avuto questa fortuna. Sono ancora qui. Sono vivo. E scoprirò la verità, anche se questo significa, di nuovo, avventurarmi nella Zona. Ma cos'altro può fare, uno S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?”
It is not easy for this writer, to describe a digital paper that has sponsored the new title from THQ (Red Faction, to name but a title, and many others), under the banner of GSC Game World. A game by the same programmers birth of the now almost forgotten Codename: Outbreak, with whom he also shares the same fate on the name. STALKER - Oblivion Lost, during its long gestation (five years, ndAleNet), è divenuto oggi Shadow of Cernobyl, così come Venom divenne Codename : Outbreak ai tempi della sua uscita. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. , come si legge sul sito ufficiale del gioco, è l'acronimo di Scavengers (sciacalli), Trespassers (trasgressori), Adventurers (Avventurieri), Loners (Solitari), Killers (Assassini), Explorers (esploratori), Robbers (Rapinatori). Tutto questo e forse qualcosa di più, saremo chiamati ad interpretare, nel momento stesso in cui inseriremo il DVD di gioco nella nostra macchina ludica favorita (allo stato attuale, non è prevista nessuna conversione per console). La lunghissima installazione ci porterà nell'ottimo menù iniziale, dove settare i consueti parametri di gioco, quali grafica, sonoro, comandi ed altre amenità. Solo allora verremo a contatto con la sconcertate realtà (ri)creata per noi dai programmatori, una realtà parallela che vede il suo inizio nel 2012, quando un nuovo, disastroso incidente nucleare torna a sconvolgere Chernobyl, dando vita ad un inferno di radiazioni, popolato da mutanti, bestie feroci, uomini...e S.T.A.L.K.E.R. , soldati di ventura disposti a qualunque cosa pur di trovare viveri, armi, munizioni...e soprattutto denaro.
Il protagonista del gioco, nostro alter ego digitale, è uno di questi misteriosi personaggi : il suo nome è “Il Marchiato”, nomignolo affidatogli dai suoi due salvatori in seguito ad un incidente - Where they have killed his two traveling companions - due to the fact that our bald carries a tattoo on his arm. What? STALKER But, of course!
The game also saw the sponsorship of Asus, can be counted in the tradition of first-person shooter, but there is no doubt that this product has a number of peculiarities that are partly soar higher than games in the same category.
First, STALKER has a system of gradual improvement with advancing levels, improvements that will present themselves to us in the form of artifacts of various kinds and nature, and these artifacts will be worn / used / studied / understood as they continue for layers, and each will bring advantages and disadvantages on the basis that we use. Some will protect us from radiation, but slow down our run, while others, such as will make us immune to electric shocks, but we will expose more to the electromagnetic waves that fill the land, poisoning. It is therefore for us to use what is in the best possible way, to find out who is behind this new, devastating nuclear disaster before, and to survive and make a nice nest egg, then.
Lo stesso possiamo affermare sul fronte audio, reso in modo convincente ed evocativo. S.T.A.L.K.E.R vanta una localizzazione in Italiano ottimamente realizzata, tanto nei menù, quanto nei testi e, una volta tanto, anche nel doppiaggio, quasi sempre credibile. Anche le musiche, per quanto di mero contorno, contribuiscono a creare quell'atmosfera gravida di violenti presagi di cui è intriso l'intero gioco. Degni di nota, anche i sound fx, intesi as the sounds of the ten weapons at our disposal (which range from pistols, rifles through and ending with knives), the cawing of the radio, the noise of the flying or not, and the animals that live ... or survive. .. in the area.
There was talk recently of the typical elements of role-playing games: A couple more of these that we would like to mention regarding the alignment and moral dialogues multiple choice questions. As we interact with dozens of NPCs (NPC), have been provided for many, many dialogues, to which we give our footprint, polite or arrogant, with obvious implications for the entire unfolding of events. For example, STALKER rescue a wounded, could put us in bad light with his community, and give food to a poor hungry devil you will earn points in the eyes of those present. Wanting to bring up the Head Balance of RPG, Dungeons & Dragons ie, it must be said that in the THQ game, there will be a moral alignment - both ours, as our enemies and NPC, which will vary according to our choices , choices that will lead us by the hand to one of eight different endings provided to us by programmers. With an environment so vast and so much freedom of choice, could possibly miss a digital to assist us during our raids? Of course not. In fact, we will have a PAD, vital for us to say the least, we summarize in real time, targets, our position on the map, weapons, equipment, noise, background radiation and so we would expect from a futuristic computer miniature. The only flaw: even our enemies will often have something like that ...!
Speaking of enemies, these will vary from other hunters like us, these mutants made of the radiation zone, through a variety of wild beasts and other lovely monstrosity, all with one thing in common: good routine of Artificial Intelligence. We were indeed impressed during our sessions, excellent way to exploit the land and coverage it offers, from our opponents, who tend to attack in groups, and retreat (or care), when reduced to badly divided more convincing that the system for calculation of damages, highly scalable - in basis we take the weapon or that is used against us, and quite accurate in almost all situations (we happened a few times to fill lead the skull of an opponent, without this they receive at least a bit 'of headache, or shooting the little finger of a guy doing it to die instantly! In other words, each has its Achilles heel!).
If you want to talk about flaws, as it should be in a non-partisan, we are forced to emphasize that the game engine, even with all its power, it shows a little 'the signs of his difficult birth, with some effect of penetration of polygons and a few shots too many, even in situations where there is' nothing warrant it. But when the play runs properly, then it is all a good show, thanks mainly to "set" approach. The loadings are considered too long and the title is not exactly an example of stability, but overall we do not find reason to complain of this game, as demonstrated extensively, so the final vote, as the satisfaction that we made the play. Before venturing into the final comment, it reminds everyone which is also the sector multi-player, which boasts all the classic mode, but only up to 32 online players. By
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