Friday, March 11, 2011

Shiny Change Soul Silver

Illustrator desperate?

Dear illustrators, or those trainees, who will soon consume the soles of your shoes through the halls of the Fiera di Bologna , the frantic search for a publisher / art director / illustrator whose professional show your work today for you, there are good, indeed


a veritable task force of professional illustrators, whose identity remains a deep mystery, they decided to put at your disposal, how?!? Read on and rejoice:

No Book will be overlooked

Dear friends, colleagues and editors,
several years I feel that for beginners to take their first steps into the world of illustration for children, are fewer and fewer opportunities during the days of the Bologna Fair to showcase their work, receive advice and, why not slating solemn (though always useful).
not we'll be here to discuss his reasons: there's plenty to do at the Fair, are all tired, no time to concentrate.
The fact remains that these guys need a first contact with the professionalism and some advice.
As natural selection - to bring forward as well as the best ones even the most technically able to unravel the complex world of publishing - makes sense, I believe that a minimum of availability to young people is a duty, by those who have done as well as being something that can be useful not only for them.

The CMYK Project is a group of superheroes , or professional illustrators and authors, that in the days of Fair have agreed to make available to young illustrators to watch their book.
There is no fixed date or a place where pre- present or to queue.
The four will be identifiable by a badge and a badge. If you see them, you can just stop and open the book.
The four superheroes in this group are:
Mr. Blue - Magenta - Mr. Blonde - Mr. BLACK

One request: if Blue, Magenta, and Black Blonde not have exposed the badges shown below means that are NOT available at that moment, give you as straight as busy with other matters.

so please respect this simple rule.

A sentitissimo THANKS , for having an idea generous and genial, is the least we can tell them !

This thing I makes me a mad desire to throw myself in pursuit, camera in hand, ready to pick up any signal on alert in case of suspected blockages in the corridors, wary of cliques sparpigliate less evident in the corners. Continuing the theme, I put the mask as well ... to think of it is better not: the only mask I have is the cat's residual carnival, accompanied by the certainty that I would be inevitably mistaken for Garfield! Mumble, mumble, mumble ... how? I'll think about!

In any event:



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