centauromachie.Allegorie dragons and notes on the drama and metamorphosis
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Excellantreceivers With Hdmi Upscaling
Friday, March 11, 2011
Shiny Change Soul Silver
Illustrator desperate?
Dear illustrators, or those trainees, who will soon consume the soles of your shoes through the halls of the Fiera di Bologna , the frantic search for a publisher / art director / illustrator whose professional show your work today for you, there are good, indeed
Dear illustrators, or those trainees, who will soon consume the soles of your shoes through the halls of the Fiera di Bologna , the frantic search for a publisher / art director / illustrator whose professional show your work today for you, there are good, indeed
a veritable task force of professional illustrators, whose identity remains a deep mystery, they decided to put at your disposal, how?!? Read on and rejoice:
No Book will be overlooked
Dear friends, colleagues and editors,
several years I feel that for beginners to take their first steps into the world of illustration for children, are fewer and fewer opportunities during the days of the Bologna Fair to showcase their work, receive advice and, why not slating solemn (though always useful).
not we'll be here to discuss his reasons: there's plenty to do at the Fair, are all tired, no time to concentrate.
The fact remains that these guys need a first contact with the professionalism and some advice.
As natural selection - to bring forward as well as the best ones even the most technically able to unravel the complex world of publishing - makes sense, I believe that a minimum of availability to young people is a duty, by those who have done as well as being something that can be useful not only for them.
The CMYK Project is a group of superheroes , or professional illustrators and authors, that in the days of Fair have agreed to make available to young illustrators to watch their book.
There is no fixed date or a place where pre- present or to queue.
The four will be identifiable by a badge and a badge. If you see them, you can just stop and open the book.
The four superheroes in this group are:
Mr. Blue - Magenta - Mr. Blonde - Mr. BLACK
One request: if Blue, Magenta, and Black Blonde not have exposed the badges shown below means that are NOT available at that moment, give you as straight as busy with other matters.
so please respect this simple rule.
A sentitissimo THANKS , for having an idea generous and genial, is the least we can tell them !
This thing I makes me a mad desire to throw myself in pursuit, camera in hand, ready to pick up any signal on alert in case of suspected blockages in the corridors, wary of cliques sparpigliate less evident in the corners. Continuing the theme, I put the mask as well ... to think of it is better not: the only mask I have is the cat's residual carnival, accompanied by the certainty that I would be inevitably mistaken for Garfield! Mumble, mumble, mumble ... how? I'll think about!
In any event:
Thursday, March 10, 2011
How To Make Leather Shiny
rkwz file, instructions for use
united.automations: anisal palmistries : "nonsinging alamedas divorcing passalid homologist stelliferous unscratchingly urethrorrhoea biformity "
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
How Much Do Male Privates Grow
canceled events
the most reasonable position is to hang backwards" cleaning method is sometimes a sophisticated risk formed the secret is the body relaxes the mind rather than someone else a rest for some reason the small hand suspended gradually raised to understand the truth would expect the accident the high pressure of the climacteric (broken becomes a belly add a note
a row, the positions remain the fingers in the middle in the opposite
it may take a temporary half-terrible in whites feel if it burns if it is too
unique scene.'s photo he is about to push came from behind to embrace against the remote possibility of the peaceful part of the heat felt adhered to the (bad e. ..) means the bottom as a result of the involvement of the leg, the left holding the collar folded mattress in the corner, short, depending on the movement
move the line surprisingly competitive arm ... they are data with a fast start to look good between the two made sense to remember fighting in the curves to rub on swollen difficulties marzoline (counting for subtraction) then return from the fund to grow through the reflection in the shot, only designed
"At least this"
"no, they can also truncate a small disagreement "
" tugs of wars and ideas "
" not enough "
rounded on the hit absorbed by the fracture times
a bit 'of envy for the relief
" as standing in the supreme " (statement)
"is falling" (statement)
"do the impossible"
you start preaching to the choir, temporarily taking emergencies
spectrum repellent disciplined and want to keep the right pace, moths, yes, the clothes just, correct breathing. off the heat a mixture of curiosity and criticism on the streets chanting rites of peoples hunted down
not after smile of the other ear with the other later
show obvious dilation
thanks for posting (Declaration)
first. although not identical in content but for the matches. to check if they are pitted with thanks os (Declaration)
which the true origin. from near the ground at the critical point of view and sound
"fans of the third phase (second phase) came down like a sick heart
now include and reality brought into force gradually. begins to fade
Ultima Version Pezbots
Minimondi FESTIVAL - XI Edition March 12 to 27
It 's time: back to the Festival Minimondi !
Parma again this year is tinged culture with the eleventh edition of the famous festival of literature and illustration, to be held dal 12 al 27 marzo .
Come già nelle edizioni passate, il programma del festival è estremamente vario, sono difatti previsti: la fantastica mostra dedicata a Remy Charlip , svariati laboratori e incontri con autori e illustratori, nonché con Editoriale Scienza , iniziative presso le scuole, workshop con Focus Pico su graffiti e creazioni con la plastilina, una rassegna cinematografica presso il Cinema D'Azeglio e la sempre-verde iniziativa Adotta un Editore .
Tra gli ospiti: Brunella Baldi , Viorel Boldis, Francesca Capelli, Ennio Cavalli , Anna Cerasoli, Roberto Denti , Ermanno These, Miriam Dubini, Silvana Gandolfi, Antonio Nicaso , Giulia Orecchia , Chiara Rapaccini , Gustavo Roldan, Silvia Roncaglia, Andrea Salvatici, Guido Sgardoli , Iole Severi Silvestrini, Tabitha Suzumi , Virgilio Sieni , Vanna Vannuccini, Guia Risari .
But let me bring your attention to an event, in my opinion, unique exhibition
to be held from March 12 to April 25 at the Galleria San Ludovico *. The exhibition was organized by the festival Minimondi and edited by: Les Trois Ourses , Minimondi Association and by Marco Ferreri, who is also responsible for the preparation.
First is the first Italian exhibition dedicated to the work by American artist in its entirety, ie a staff including his activities as an illustrator and author but also as a choreographer and dancer, is therefore going to take on the fly.
Charlip is truly a remarkable man, from the experience interesting: choreographer and dancer, he worked for about 12 years with the company of the legendary avant-garde choreographer Merce Cunningham . Yet, throughout his career in the dance world, he never stopped designing children's books because "I have always wanted to do picture books for children" **. Since the early fifties, Charlip has published over 30 titles in the last A Perfect Day, in 2007. As he himself declared at a celebration dedicated to him in '97, the Library's Children's Literature Convention Center , he loves experimenting with new languages \u200b\u200bchange styles and perspectives, for poter rappresentare al meglio situazioni e personaggi fra i più diversi: "How I look at subjects, people and things are different, so I like to bring that to the books"**.
Per dar voce alla multi - artisticità dell'autore statunitense, la mostra è stata allestita dividendo la grande stanza centrale della galleria, in cui verranno ospitate le prime edizioni, le tavole originali e i libri per bambini realizzati da Charlip, dalle nicchie laterali, in cui si svolgeranno le attività didattiche e saranno proiettati filmati su Charlip coreografo e danzatore.
Nel contesto dell'attività di danzatore/coreografo di Charlip, il 14 marzo alle 18.00 , Virgilio Sieni eseguirà la performance "Stanze, accenni e sguardi sul corpo come luogo” dedicata a Merce Cunningham, che fu uno dei suoi maestri.
Fra gli interessantissimi documenti in mostra ci sarà anche una lettera di Bruno Munari , datata 1958, in cui egli si congratula con Charlip per It looks like snow e, nel contempo, gli invia una bozza di Nella nebbia di Milano . E' bello vedere come la cultura si arricchisca sempre quando si apre, lasciando fluire l'esperienza in vasi comunicanti che la rendono più vasta. In this case, the communicating vessels are human relationships, the ability to interchange: in 1981, dedicated to Charlip Munari (John Cage and ) its Little White , for who knows why both texts is well clear. Of the many books
Charlip, in Italy they have been translated only two Nothing, released in 2007, and Fortunately, hot off the press, both texts have come to Ear Acerbo . Fortunately 100 is also the title of the Roman publishing house that this year celebrates 10 years.
One last question: the writer Brian Selznick is credited with having made famous in the world Charlip, in some cases even before the translation and publication of his books, because it was inspired by the traits of Charlip for the character of Georges Méliès in The Invention of Hugo Cabret .
In short: do not let the opportunity pass!
For more information please contact the Festival Office:
e-mail: info@minimondi.com
site: http://www.minimondi . com /
telefoni: 3287826571 - 3208112085 - 3487334761
*La Galleria San Ludovico si trova in Borgo del Parmigianino 2/b, Parma. E' aperta dalle 09.30 alle 18.30, il giorno di chiusura è il martedì.
** "Ho sempre desiderato scrivere albi illustrati per i bambini"
"Per come guardo i soggetti, le persone e le cose sono differenti, è questo che amo portare nei libri."
Le due citazioni di cui sopra, sono state tratte dall'articolo: " Young at Heart: A Celebration of Remy Charlip", apparso nel Library of Congress LC Information Bulletin, June 23, 1997 . Copyright ©
images, Ear Acerbo Publisher 2011, any reproduction is strictly prohibited.
It 's time: back to the Festival Minimondi !
Parma again this year is tinged culture with the eleventh edition of the famous festival of literature and illustration, to be held dal 12 al 27 marzo .
Come già nelle edizioni passate, il programma del festival è estremamente vario, sono difatti previsti: la fantastica mostra dedicata a Remy Charlip , svariati laboratori e incontri con autori e illustratori, nonché con Editoriale Scienza , iniziative presso le scuole, workshop con Focus Pico su graffiti e creazioni con la plastilina, una rassegna cinematografica presso il Cinema D'Azeglio e la sempre-verde iniziativa Adotta un Editore .
Tra gli ospiti: Brunella Baldi , Viorel Boldis, Francesca Capelli, Ennio Cavalli , Anna Cerasoli, Roberto Denti , Ermanno These, Miriam Dubini, Silvana Gandolfi, Antonio Nicaso , Giulia Orecchia , Chiara Rapaccini , Gustavo Roldan, Silvia Roncaglia, Andrea Salvatici, Guido Sgardoli , Iole Severi Silvestrini, Tabitha Suzumi , Virgilio Sieni , Vanna Vannuccini, Guia Risari .
But let me bring your attention to an event, in my opinion, unique exhibition
Remy Charlip DANCE MY BOOK
to be held from March 12 to April 25 at the Galleria San Ludovico *. The exhibition was organized by the festival Minimondi and edited by: Les Trois Ourses , Minimondi Association and by Marco Ferreri, who is also responsible for the preparation.
First is the first Italian exhibition dedicated to the work by American artist in its entirety, ie a staff including his activities as an illustrator and author but also as a choreographer and dancer, is therefore going to take on the fly.
Charlip is truly a remarkable man, from the experience interesting: choreographer and dancer, he worked for about 12 years with the company of the legendary avant-garde choreographer Merce Cunningham . Yet, throughout his career in the dance world, he never stopped designing children's books because "I have always wanted to do picture books for children" **. Since the early fifties, Charlip has published over 30 titles in the last A Perfect Day, in 2007. As he himself declared at a celebration dedicated to him in '97, the Library's Children's Literature Convention Center , he loves experimenting with new languages \u200b\u200bchange styles and perspectives, for poter rappresentare al meglio situazioni e personaggi fra i più diversi: "How I look at subjects, people and things are different, so I like to bring that to the books"**.
Per dar voce alla multi - artisticità dell'autore statunitense, la mostra è stata allestita dividendo la grande stanza centrale della galleria, in cui verranno ospitate le prime edizioni, le tavole originali e i libri per bambini realizzati da Charlip, dalle nicchie laterali, in cui si svolgeranno le attività didattiche e saranno proiettati filmati su Charlip coreografo e danzatore.
Nel contesto dell'attività di danzatore/coreografo di Charlip, il 14 marzo alle 18.00 , Virgilio Sieni eseguirà la performance "Stanze, accenni e sguardi sul corpo come luogo” dedicata a Merce Cunningham, che fu uno dei suoi maestri.
Fra gli interessantissimi documenti in mostra ci sarà anche una lettera di Bruno Munari , datata 1958, in cui egli si congratula con Charlip per It looks like snow e, nel contempo, gli invia una bozza di Nella nebbia di Milano . E' bello vedere come la cultura si arricchisca sempre quando si apre, lasciando fluire l'esperienza in vasi comunicanti che la rendono più vasta. In this case, the communicating vessels are human relationships, the ability to interchange: in 1981, dedicated to Charlip Munari (John Cage and ) its Little White , for who knows why both texts is well clear. Of the many books
Charlip, in Italy they have been translated only two Nothing, released in 2007, and Fortunately, hot off the press, both texts have come to Ear Acerbo . Fortunately 100 is also the title of the Roman publishing house that this year celebrates 10 years.
One last question: the writer Brian Selznick is credited with having made famous in the world Charlip, in some cases even before the translation and publication of his books, because it was inspired by the traits of Charlip for the character of Georges Méliès in The Invention of Hugo Cabret .
In short: do not let the opportunity pass!
For more information please contact the Festival Office:
e-mail: info@minimondi.com
site: http://www.minimondi . com /
telefoni: 3287826571 - 3208112085 - 3487334761
*La Galleria San Ludovico si trova in Borgo del Parmigianino 2/b, Parma. E' aperta dalle 09.30 alle 18.30, il giorno di chiusura è il martedì.
** "Ho sempre desiderato scrivere albi illustrati per i bambini"
"Per come guardo i soggetti, le persone e le cose sono differenti, è questo che amo portare nei libri."
Le due citazioni di cui sopra, sono state tratte dall'articolo: " Young at Heart: A Celebration of Remy Charlip", apparso nel Library of Congress LC Information Bulletin, June 23, 1997 . Copyright ©
images, Ear Acerbo Publisher 2011, any reproduction is strictly prohibited.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Black On Black Damask Cardstock Paper
foffof (AsemicWriting, Letters & Marks): Page 107 from Mynd Mynd
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Has Anyone Usedterrasil?
tests writing skills aliena________foffof (AsemicWriting, Letters & Marks): asemic fabula
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Walt Disney World Ticket Specials
The House, The City, The School, The Park - Ear Acerbo
If you are passing through Castelfidardo (AN) in one of the dates indicated in the poster, from 8 March until 28 June, will pin from these workshops:
As you have read in the poster, they have to do with literature but it seems interesting, however: it is of creativity workshops and design (for children aged 6 to 10 years) aimed, inter alia, to increasing the concept of environmental sustainability.
For information, please communicate with the organizers to the following contacts: 333.745.44.84 or 340.894.32.32. Or send an email to: danielabrascugli@gmail.com
If you are passing through Castelfidardo (AN) in one of the dates indicated in the poster, from 8 March until 28 June, will pin from these workshops:
As you have read in the poster, they have to do with literature but it seems interesting, however: it is of creativity workshops and design (for children aged 6 to 10 years) aimed, inter alia, to increasing the concept of environmental sustainability.
For information, please communicate with the organizers to the following contacts: 333.745.44.84 or 340.894.32.32. Or send an email to: danielabrascugli@gmail.com
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