Le Géant Nicolas Thers, L'Atelier du Poisson Soluble , May 2010
" Maman et moi avons decide d'adopter a Géant! C'est d'être mieux regarder pour les trois étoiles. *
Thus begins the new book by Nicolas Thers for fish solubles of France: Le Géant , the giant.
The title and cover are already all: a giant, the portrait, which looks a little scary at the giant Polyphemus or villains of Roald Dahl, no trace of memories in this high Rabelassiane titan, rather dominates the appearance of the young entrepreneur, doctor, clerk bank. A real urban behemoth, complete with jacket and white shirt.
Yet it is huge, no doubt!
When I saw this book for the first time, I was struck by the use of color and image quality, rather unusual, yet totally engaging. The visual impact was such that the text message, at least in the very first tempo, è passato in secondo piano.
Voglio però parlare proprio del messaggio del libro, prima di passare alle immagini, perché tratta di una tematica attualissima che tocca moltissime famiglie, siano esse risultato di una separazione o di una vedovanza, che si scompongono per ricomporsi altrimenti.
La voce narrante della storia è una bambina che ci racconta di come lei e la sua mamma abbiano deciso di adottare un gigante, per l'appunto. Ci sono ottimi motivi, pare, per adottarne uno e la spiegazione è doviziosamente dettagliata.
La voce narrante della storia è una bambina che ci racconta di come lei e la sua mamma abbiano deciso di adottare un gigante, per l'appunto. Ci sono ottimi motivi, pare, per adottarne uno e la spiegazione è doviziosamente dettagliata.
Of course, in the presence of a being so big, it's normal to feel intimidated and maybe a little 'suspicious, at least at first, but then, if the giant is gentle, if it takes us a few gifts and smothers if we can explore it a bit 'and takes care of us, then you inevitably make friends with him.
I was deeply amused to see how the author exposes us this giant party game / child, when in fact the third figure - or the mother - is only incidental to the purposes of the narrative, since it appears only in the first sentence that you I reported and is never represented in the images.
The whole book is played around the slow and steady approach between the two, of course, images and text fully nourish the vision of the child first and accentuate the fears, which are reflected in the representation of the giant in all its grandeur and natural Quesi girl made invisible (see image above), and the gradual acceptance of man as a result, which coincides with the slow downsizing of both the characters until you reach an adult size to be found for the giant and a reasonable physical size for the child (see pictures below).
This process of recovery of the real dimensions of the characters, with the consequent change in the balance of the primordial role-playing game, developed through the slow and steady physical approach of the two: the child that the principle of the book was a small spot of color in the distance, takes increasingly substance when it comes to the giant, as if to signify that the growth of a human being can only be done when it relates to those who surroundings.
As for images, Thers has been satisfied with the montage elaborated by graphics palette, the colors are clear, simple, immediate. Ceme I said before the images are played on a daring and skillful play of perspectives, the urban environment, almost futuristic, gives the images a surreal touch that goes well with the improbability of the initial situation. In a future not so far the Giants go out of their hiding places and become friends and dad. A
bell'albo illustrated, perfect identification with the imaginary child, and positive summary of the fundamentals of modern families.
* " Mom and I decided to take a giant! It is better to be in three to watch stars. "
Copyright © text and images L'Atelier du Poisson Soluble , 2010. The pictures were published with the permission of the publisher, each reproduction is strictly prohibited.
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