Saturday, November 6, 2010

What Does Male Musterbation Mean Yahoo Answer

Unexpected Rain Fall

In queste giornate di ruinous rains, let it overwhelm you with these small drops of color and wisdom. All books should not miss: some recent, some a little older.

Starting the parade could not be you, Suzy Lee, with his latest masterpiece, released simultaneously last September (most days, fewer days) in three countries: Italy, France and the United States!

Shadow, Suzy Lee, Corraini Editions, September 2010
Shadow, Suzy Lee, Chronicle Books, September 2010
Ombres , Suzy Lee, Kaleidoscope Editions, September 2010

gieniale The story is simple and, in the best tradition of this great artist leave a child alone in the attic with some common objects, old, dusty, and the first instinct you know, is to explore and the best way to explore it through the game as, preferably alone. Even the simplest objects, filtered by a vivid imagination, taking appearance unimagined ( The Little Nicolas Sempé to sign) all the more a reflection of their shadows will inspire unexpected scenarios. As in The Wave , and Mirror , Lee likes to mark the transition from the imagination to the real border between the two adjacent pages. As in the books just mentioned, even in Shadow The image becomes, at some point, a more concrete expression, sometimes threatening, physically breaking into the space of real, as if to make visible what, after all , real and imaginary feed on each other. In short: a masterpiece of the Korean, accurate and sensitive interpretation of a childhood lived on the edge of fantasy.

In an interesting article, New York Times uses such Shadow Suzy Lee to prove that the printed page, in an age of digitalization of reading (in constant acceleration even with tools like the iPad), it is still vital and to some extent irreplaceable. Here is a beautiful

interview (in English) by Suzy Lee, though a bit 'antiquated:
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast -
and again: The DPI
Magazine - do not be afraid of the Korean, below you will find the English version = & divpage = 1 & sn = off & ss = on & sc = on & select_arrange headnum = & desc = asc & no = 70

Reviews in Italian :
bed between us -
Forkids - http://www.forkids. it/2010/07/09/ombra /

Tests in English :
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast -
You Know, For Kids -
Publishers Weekly - -titles/childrens-announcements/article/43866-wordless-wonders.html

Reviews in French: La
Citrouille -

Another great artist on the international scene This time the United States, with one of his latest projects:

Lulu and the Brontosaurus , by Judith Viorst, illustrated by Lane Smith, Atheneum Books, September 2010

After It's a Book, a project solo, the great delights us with Lane Smith illustrated this book paired with Judith Viorst . Actually, this book would fit perfectly in the post that I titled Ugly, Dirty and Bad ... and I tell you just why: Lulu, the book's protagonist is a spoiled child, viziatissima, reminiscent blatantly de Veruca Salt and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl . Lulu nothing is denied. One day he wakes up and decides he wants a puppy for Brontosaurus. If the parents insist on maintaining the firm refusal, Lulu does not give in and take action, because it can not take no for an answer: I remember the scene where Veruca decides to take the squirrel on its own, much to the horror of adults and children present. To end my parallelism, there is also a kind of rhythmic chant reminiscent of the musicality of the songs of the Umpa Lumpa:

"I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, gonna get
in Bronte-Bronte -Bronte Brontosaurus
for a pet.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, gonna get
-Bronte-Bronte Bronte Brontosaurus
for a pet. "

like the best of Dahl's books, including Lulu does not put things exactly right, in a cruel reversal of the Brontosaurus will share his Lulu cucciolo.

Link a Lane Smith :
Interviste con Lane Smith :
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast -  
Adventures Underground -
Estrella's Revenge -
The Wall Street Journal Speakeasy -  (su It's a Book)
Housatonic Times -  
Reading Rockets -  (video)
Carnegie Corporation of NY (Teachers for a new era) - (audio)
Just One More Book - (audio)

Interviews with Judith Viorst :
The Kennedy Center -
Book Page - http://www.bookpage .com/0711bp/judith_viorst.html
Dream Jam World - (audio)
and an excerpt from World Literature Today - http: / /

Dog Ear - smith-2010 /
Proseandkahn -

stay in America but we change the atmosphere with Peter Sis, and the last album , the sequel of the series dedicated to Madlenka:

Madlenka Soccer Star, by Peter Sis, Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR) , 28 September 2010

Madlenka's Dog Sis was the first book I bought during one of my first trip to NY, since I do not usually let one get away. Peter Sis has a unique feeling that is transposed in its tables, and in the stories told through a rarefied atmosphere and dreaming: his The Wall (which won the Caldecott Honor Book mention, which is also dedicated this beautiful article in the New York Times), Tibet Through the Red Box (splendid roll autobiography in which he reveals the contents of the mysterious red box carried by his father after a stay in Tibet), The Tree of Life (precursore dei molti libri dedicati a Darwin usciti recentemente).
Ma veniamo a noi: Madlenka è una bambina che abita nella grande città e, come tutti i bambini che abitano in grandi città, cerca uno spazio che possa essere suo, lo cerca fra le auto, per la strada, all'ombra degli alberi che crescono asfittici nell'asfalto. Come per tutti i bambini che vivono nelle grandi città, i compagni di gioco possono essere altri bambini, oppure alberi, oggetti, animali. Uscita di casa con il suo nuovo pallone da calcio oggi Madlenka è irrefrenabile, scatenata, incontenibile! Gioca, gioca ovunque. Suoi compagni di squadra una buca per le lettere, qualche cat, a parking meter, a dog, all invariably immersed in a world neighborhood, the mirror of the world's most popular sport and the recent African world. Madlenka But, in reality, is training for the women's World Cup 2011 in Germany! Here is the site

Peter Sis:

Interviews: On the Job
, Mystery Man - http://www.zuzu. org / sisinterview.html
School Library Journal - (video)
Reading Rockets - and (video)
NPR - (audio)

Books For Kids - 2010/11/kick-off-madlenka-soccer-star-by-peter.html

And now we come to England with:

The Rabbit Problem , Emily Gravett, Macmillan Children's Books , August 7, 2009

This book, published in 2009, is based on the Fibonacci sequence. Gulp! Well no: Emily Gravett manages, as always, to make fun and adventurous story that tells all. Who does not remember Little Mouse's Big Book of Fears ? Well, in this book, the English author unleashes his imagination, producing a masterpiece of inventiveness, the text reproduces the form of a calendar, every month, keeps count of the number of rabbits that add a Lonely, lonely protagonist of the first table. As in the case of Shadow Suzy Lee, also in The Rabbit Problem you must rotate the book to browse, as you would with a real calendar. For each table, with a technique performed rigorously mixed with watercolor drawings and collage, Gravett adds details: envelopes, instructions on how to make a nice sweater against the cold, a small book of recipes, lots of little notes scattered and there. A book for all those children who have an irresistible thirst for discovery and who enjoy reading and rereading the books, always looking for new details.

And for an online experience: the site Emily Gravett

Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast - p = 1606
Booktrust Childrens Books 20Interviews/Interview-with-Emily-Gravett and http : / /
The Telegraph UK -
Reading Rockets -  e
Kids Book Review -

Recensioni :
B is For Books -
Henrietta -
The Guardian -
The Bookbag -
Kirkus Reviews -

Torniamo oltre oceano con il bravissimo Peter Brown, già autore di The Curious Garden , ed il suo ultimo lavoro:

Children Make Terrible Pets , di Peter Brown, Little, Brown & Company , 7 settembre 2010

Divertentissimo! La piccola Rose trova un bambino nel bosco e decide di farne il suo cucciolo. Dato che il bambino non parla ma squittisce, Rose lo chiamerà Squeaker. Ma mamma orsa non concorda con Rose perché, come le dice non appena vede Squeaker: "Children make terrible pets"*. Come nel caso di Lulu and the Brontosaurus , even in Children Make Terrible Pets , there is a reversal: the human it becomes, despite himself, a pet, while the animals are portrayed as human . With a background that mimics the texture of the wood and the central images framed in warm colors and rounded corners, seem to lack only the knobs and here we are in front of an old TV, ready to watch the new adventures of those who (perhaps out of sheer nostalgia, or because the TV with the knobs brings me back to times when a child, I watched them) remind me so much Yogi and Booboo in their beautiful Yellowstone Park! Single intruder, as always, man!

For more information about Peter Brown, I refer you to his site :

And these Interviews:
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast -
Into the Wardrobe - peter-brown.html
Giggle -
Sory Sleuths -
Embracing the Child -
Ed una Video-intervista:

Recensioni :
100 Scope Notes -
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast - (with many illustrations and sketches)
Children's Book Reviews -
Twenty by Jenny -
Kid's Book Buzz - / children-make-terrible-pets-by-peter.html

stay in America and then depart for the Netherlands, with

Knuffle Bunny Free , Mo Willems, Balzer & Bray , September 28, 2010

Even Knuffle Bunny Free it is a sequel, to be precise is the book that concludes the trilogy that began with Knuffle Bunny, a Cautionary Tale , and continued with Knuffle Bunny, a Case of Mistaken Identity . Other
register purchased during a trip to NY, another lightning strike!
Trixie and Knuffle Bunny are inseparable, when Trixie and Knuffle Bunny was so high was just out of the box brand new. Trixie for the distance from Knuffle Bunny is unsustainable (just yesterday, the child of my neighbor crying in despair because he had momentarily lost his favorite game, as not to understand?), Although, to be honest, sometimes Knuffle Bunny seems to get lost on purpose. Certainly that Knuffle, in his deep thirst for exploration, has a funny way of choosing the locations of his travels oject: when you lose in the washing machine when he took refuge in the arms of the worst enemy of Trixie, putting in place a impersonator ... When, on a flight to Amsterdam Trixie and family, decides to take a detour on his way (this is an opportunity to Knuffle Bunny Free ). For all the books in the trilogy, Willems uses a mixed technique, featuring photographs (more or less urban) background, and line drawings mostly pastel colors for the characters. Everything you wanted to play on a misunderstanding: the real / unreal what backgrounds wisely in black and white, which make them almost universal, however, deliberately suspended in time, modern reading of the old "once upon a time, , in a country far, far away ..."; real / unreal even to the characters and their stories, always suspended between the real and the imagined act.
Mo Willems, as you will read in some of the interviews linked below, has a background in television, theater and entertainment during his career he has received: 3 Caldecott Honors, Geisel 2 medals, two Carnegie medals , 6 Emmys! Among his many books, famous Do not Let the Pidgeon Drive the Bus , and the series of books dedicated to the most beautiful small Elephant and Piggie , Cat and the Cat Big Frog, to name only a few. What strikes me is the linearity of his art and the extreme simplicity of the images on Willems which is able to enter deeply related to childhood issues.

For more about Mo Willems:

Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast - - / sevenimpossiblethings /? p = 841
Book Trust Children's Books -
Trap Door Sun -
Scholastic -
At Home Dad -
Babble -
Reading Rockets -   e
Just One More Book -   (audio)
School Library Journal -   (video)

Recensioni :
Publishers' Weekly -  
100 Scopenotes -  
The Seattle Times -
Flying Giggles and Lollipops -
Brimful Curiosities -
Two Writing Teachers -
Script PS News - / corner-mo-Willems-knuffle-bunny-free-country-city-dog-frog

still remains in America with:

13 Words, by Lemony Snicket, illustrations by Maira Kalman, HarperCollins, October 5, 2010

13 Words is born of the new Lemony Snicket, aka Daniel Handler (author, screenwriter and accordionist) and Maira Kalman (famous illustrator and designer and cover artist for New Yorker )! Already it seems to me enough. The story you ask? What story? There is a story, there are only thirteen of the following words:

1. Bird Bird
= 2. Despondent depressed
= 3. Cake = Cake
4. Dog = Cane
5. Busy = Impegnato
6. Convertible = Decappottabile
7. Goat = Capra
8. Hat = Cappello
9. Haberdashery = Merceria
10. Scarlet = Scarlatto
11. Baby = Bambino
12. Panache = Stile
13. Mezzo-Soprano

Cosa ci fanno queste tredici parole insieme? Non posso dirvelo, svelerei segreti inconfessabili, e vi rovinerei la sorpresa!

Unico contentino che vi posso concedere è il trailer del libro:

Per curiosità su autore ed illustratore :
Lemony Snicket - Sito
Maira Kalman - Sito
Interviste con Lemony Snicket :
Parent Dish -
Browse Inside:  
About Creativity - -
The Telegraph UK -
The Washington Post, Kids' Stuff -
Book Browse -
Combustible Celluliod -

Interviste con Maira Kalman:
Inspiration Boards -
Design Sponge -
The Design Files -
Bygone Bureau -
Nash Ville Review -
10 Answers -

Recensioni :
Flavor Pill - ; -
TimeOut Kids -

And now that we have, we conclude our imaginary journey in the States:

A Sick Day for Amos McGee, Philip C. Stead, illustrations by Erin E. Stead, A Neal Porter Book / Roaring Brook Press , May 2010

surreal comedy of the story of Amos McGee, guardian of the City Zoo, a friend of the shy penguin, elephant, turtle, rhinoceros, and the owl. Amos is a careful guardian, each animal receives his attention, his care: play chess with the Elephant, compete with the Turtle, so he sits next to the penguin, and rhinoceros to blow your nose at sunset tells fairy tales to the owl. All proceeds in an orderly fashion until, one morning, Amos wakes up sick. So what? Then the animals in the City Zoo are taking the bus and go to visit him, to take care of him. Surreal comedy, but also of friendship, of that kind of friendship where we take care of each other without having to say much more: I remember when, two years ago, I made a bad ankle and my friend Frank came home, laid the table with care, a delicious lunch cooked for me (who knows Frank knows that this is an exceptional act) and kept me company twittering happy home. What else is friendship?
The curious thing about this book is that author and illustrator are husband and wife, and apparently share more than just a roof: the result of two creativity and empathy can see, this story is told with great sensitivity and harmony, with a careful balance between the narrated and what is not said. As observed by Betsy Bird, in his A Fuse # 8 Production Blog , there is a wise balance in the script between the first and second parts of the book. Alongside the main story so many little details in the background, almost invisible, which enrich the story on tiptoe. Illustrations Erin E. Stead are amazing and for the characterization that the delicacy that transmit sensitive eye of a range of emotions that you can not say with words. A book not to be missed!

Here are the sites of Philip and Erin Stead : Philip
Setad - Site
Erin Stead - Blog

Interviews :
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast -

Reviews :
The New York Times -
A Fuse#8 Production -
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast -
Kids Lit -
SC Whiddon Art -

In a fine article entitled Dogs and Reading Untrained Boys , Lisa Von Drasek, analyzes the columns of the New York Times of two picture books of which I have just spoken vo: A Sick Day for McGee Amos and Boys Make Terrible Pets , emphasizing The irony, of the comedy of the absurd, with a touch of inconsistency that never gets old, even the umpteenth reading.

Some of the books cui vo ho parlato appaiono nella selezione  New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Books of 2010 : .

Per ora è tutto, passo e chiudo!

* "I bambini sono dei pessimi animali domestici".


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