Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why Does Alabama Have A Twelve On The Helmet

against Avril Lavigne Hilary Duff, blonde war for supremacy between pop-rock

vs Avril. Hilary - E 'antipathy that goes as far as Avril Lavigne and Hilary Duff, including barbs with each other, from a distance, poisons around. A bit 'of nights ago the dispute has reached unsustainable heights of drama when the two girls were terrible face to face in the same place. While Hilary, in the company of that inseparable sister Haylie, sported more than indifference, Avril has now turned on as a stick threatening dramatic gestures. Or me or her, it was the sauce of his outburst. And, with great incazzatura di Avril, hanno scelto “lei”. Al di là della banalità dell’evento il significato è uno solo: Avril Lavigne venderà probabilmente più dischi a livello internazionale (ma in Europa e in Asia, qui in America è in calo), però qui, a La La Land, tra le due è Hilary Duff a contare di più. Come se non bastasse Avril si è ritrovata Hilary tra i piedi anche al Much Music Awards di Toronto e lì l’umiliazione ha toccato il versante professionale. Presentatasi con un gonnellino che riproduceva la bandiera canadese, Lavigne è stata premiata come Favourite Canadian Artist, ma ha dovuto ingoiare l’incoronazione della rivale come Favourite International Artist. Ma la guerra continua. And while Avril, who plans to put more and more in the city and find the biggest launch in the cinema, it was bought for $ 10 million house in Bel-Air with 10 bathrooms (one million to process), Hilary persists in its good girl image and her home is an apartment she shares with her sister and friend. Although it should explain what was he doing with a boy half shines in the female toilets of the Hyde Lounge, a popular club on Sunset in West Hollywood. But maybe he just understanding after being dumped by Joel Madden, her snug stufatosi of that want to get virgin at marriage. Of course I cry my heart to see two girls fighting value in this way. You're crying too do you?


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