Sunday, September 26, 2010

Maytag Pavt234aww Washer Owners Manual

One for all and all for one? No: All for All!

raining, it's a dreary Saturday, humidity meditative and then what ever I can speak only of POETRY!?!

All for All , Julian Tuwim, Translated by Mark Vanchetti, coordination and design by Anna Niemierko. Graphic Design by: Gosia
Urba n ska, Monika Hanulak, Gosia Gurowska, Marta Ignerska, Ania Niemierko, Agnieszka Kucharski - Zajkowska, Justyna Wroblewski. Ear Acerbo Press, September 2010

My pleasant review:

What a surprising book,
provocative, compelling. With good old
you amused children,
for adults, their goodness,
of birds there is a beautiful choir!
Everybody are happy
tall, beautiful and smiling:
have left the TV off
and no one complains.
Trallallero, trallallà,
but good news!

(Mr. Trallallini, Graphic design by Monika Hanulak)

'm crazy? Maybe ... Or maybe this book is simply contagious! I can not get out of my mind the music of words, every time I try to make a sentence leaves me in rhyme, I'll be serious?

Okay, I'll try to be polite but, dear Ears Acerbi : you can not publish such a book and think it can be serious star after reading it, this is called a low blow! That said, and gave free rein to momentary madness, I turn to a less facetious tone ...

Julian Tuwim is a monument of Polish literature: born in Lodz in a family of Jewish origin during the Second World War he emigrated first to France, then Brazil and finally to America. He returned to Poland, where he died in 1953, only after the end of World War II.

If you were to speak of a comprehensive Tuwim a tome would not be enough, I shall therefore say that, along with Antoni Słonimski , Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz , Kazimierz Wierzyński and Jan Lechon, in 1918 he was a founder of the poetic Skamander through which they tried to untie the patriotic Polish poetry from the pre-eminent role played so far, to make it more understandable to the people by simplifying Language and rejecting the appeal to mythology and figures of speech traditionally used. Tuwim use the experimental poetry, in which part of the typical situations and expressions of everyday life, with frequent contamination dialect, detaching it, more than anyone else, by the then raging manierismo. I suoi componimenti più celebri sono probabilmente "Bal w Operze" (Il Ballo all'Opera), e "La Locomotiva", oltre alle altre bellissime poesie per bambini, oggetto principale di questo post.

(La Locomotiva, progetto grafico di Gosia Gurowska)

Tutti per Tutti , originariamente pubblicato dalla casa editrice polacca  Wytwórnia sotto il titolo "TUWIM. WIERSZE DLA DZIECI", nel 2008 ha vinto la Sezione speciale del Bologna Ragazzi Award dedicated to poetry.

the work accomplished with this volume is of gigantic proportions, because it contains seven different graphic projects curated by artists who have subsequently given seven different interpretations of the imaginary Tuwim, with results so far as they are surprising. Unique adhesive are precisely the poems.

I am posting here some examples, you can click on the images to see them better:

Project 1 - by Gosia Urba n ska

(the Alphabet)

As you can see the Urba n ska, which has shown four poems "An Account Complicated," "The Alphabet", "Frost" and "Vegetables "prefers the use of materials on a white background does not matter that they found materials, collage or images obtained through the use of molds, dipped in color.


His images seem to spill from the page, along with the words that change of body and character to sustain the pace of the poems.

Project 2 - by Monika Hanulak


The Hanulak be interpreted much more painting - his versions of "The Turnip" which is This was the cover image, "Cat," "Bambi," "Mr. Trallallini" and "Treat" - with a taste that ranges from retro, also obtained by using old maps as a background and spoiled of different colors (The Rapa), a modern tribal (Bambo) from the net and sign the clean background, the cartoonish (Mr. Trallallini, and Cat Treat) che mi ricorda alcune immagini pubblicitarie degli anni sessanta/settanta.

Progetto 3 - a cura di Gosia Gurowska

(Due Venti)

La Gurowska dà un'interpretazione marcatamente grafica delle tre poesie affidatele, "Pettegolezzi d'Uccelli", "Due Venti" e "Locomotiva". Per tutte sfondo bianco, estrema linearità delle immagini, bel gioco di rimando con il testo che ne esce rappresentato con grande efficacia.

Progetto 4 - a cura di Marta Ignerska


Ignerska Marta, who is also author of The Alphabet des Gens beautiful published by the publishing house Le Rouergue this year, explained, "The Two Gini, "Gabri", "Radio Bird," "Gigi Dreamer" and "Sofia - Tuttoio.

(Radio Bird)

its treatment, often dirty and faded, gives a dreamlike version of the texts that have been entrusted. Beautiful, in my view, the representation of Radio Bird (above): chromaticism bone with red, black and touches, sometimes almost imperceptible other more obvious, in shades of blue and green, unlike the other boards here are far fewer characters, the resulting images more easily readable.

Project 5 - Edited by Ania Niemierko


Niemierko Della was the cover image of the Polish, from one of Illustrations de "The Elephant Trombettoni", its also the illustrations for "Cecco leaflet and her aunt," "The Eye," "Click," "In Aero-Plane" and "The Nightingale in delay."

(The Nightingale in delay)

these images from backgrounds predominantly coarse-grained, some scratches, which are also used for the characters, when shown a white background, as in "Click" (above) and "The Elephant Trombettoni" for instance, involved heavy pencil marks or symbols, or points to draw clear lines zig-zaganti. The figures, outlined with edges marked in black or blue, are mostly rounded shapes. The colors, again, very few: red, blue, white, blue and black. Gorgeous graphics Click!

Project 6 - by Agnieszka Kucharski - Zajkowska

( Mr. Piccini and the Whale)

Surely I'm wrong but, looking closely at the backgrounds pictures of Agnieszka Kucharski-Zajkowska, I have the distinct feeling of having art in front of photographs retouched to material surfaces, which give almost the feeling of the lunar surface. Against this background, occasionally adding a touch of pencil and color, depicting characters from the comic book - as in "Mr. Piccini e La Balena " (sopra e sotto) - oppure oggetti di uso comune e personaggi dal tratto più grafico che richiamano le forme rigide del lego quasi - come in "Tutti per Tutti".

( Il Signor Piccini e La Balena)

Progetto 7 - a cura di Justyna Wróblewska


Di Justyna Wróblewska sono le illustrazioni di "Pioggerellina" (sopra), "Prodigi e Stranezze" e "Va Tobia" (sotto). Tre tavole completamente diverse l'una dall'altra: "Pioggerellina" has a strong graphic characteristic, obtained with small touches of blue and overlapping letters, characters, graphics and various dirtying to simulate thunder and lightning (in my opinion, beautiful), "Wonders and Oddities" has a mixed, reworked on the computer, to create atmosphere is always surreal, almost tropical-dream, the last "Go Tobias" in which the collage that makes up the village street joins the pencil just sketched and written in italics, giving a simple character and rural images.

(Va Tobias)

also mammoth undertaking of the Italian translation, by Mark Vanchetti with whom I congratulate for having succeeded so well in a task so complex.

In short, a veritable anthology of poetry of many facets and strong irony, that of Tuwim who has grasped the ironic side in a time when everything was tragically real.

In a cultural moment - or rather aculturale - like this one, publish the poem is a courageous act and different, always personally greet this news with great joy and with the conviction that, if poetry to know the love will come back stronger than ever.

Copyright © text and images of the Publishing House Ear Acerbo 2010. Le immagini sono state pubblicate con il permesso dell'Editore, la loro riproduzione è proibita.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Paragliding Student Loan

Too Late?

Troppo Tardi , testo di Giovanna Zoboli, illustrazioni di Camilla Engman, Ed. Topipittori, Settembre 2010

Cosa vuol dire troppo tardi? Quando si è troppo piccoli,  “troppo tardi” è un'espressione vaga. Per tutti troppo tardi è troppo qualcosa, per qualcuno è freddo, per altri buio ma su una cosa concordano tutti: è troppo tardi!

Per Riccardo Troppo Tardi è un puntino lontano, un luogo che vorrebbe scoprire, se solo la strada non fosse troppo lunga e buia e vuota, se solo fosse più grande e avesse il coraggio necessario per partire.

E se arrivasse una strana brigata ad accompagnarlo? Magari un orso in bicicletta, un gatto bianco dalla vista miracolosa e la signora cerva, con i suoi grandi occhi dolci. Ma dove incontrare questa strampalata compagnia? Al limitare del bosco forse, o forse al confine fra realtà e sogno.

Troppo Tardi è un luogo lontano, al di là del bosco addormentato e delle colline sonnecchianti. Troppo Tardi è un luogo accessibile solo a chi osa raggiungerlo.

A Troppo Tardi c'è tutto, troppo: people, music, dances, the noise the lights. And Richard, after all, is too small to do so later.

Luckily, the bear is too big it can take away from the crowds, the Cat too agile it may slip between the people and the Fawn's tune too can sing a sweet lullaby.

So, wake up, nothing remains but the memories of the joy of travel and companionship, of sharing an extraordinary experience, brood in the warmth of their dreams.

A register of discovery and adventure, even friendship, brotherhood, who teaches with a naturally soft and silky that it is easy to stick together when you share a journey, no matter that it is too late or for life ; a register in which we entrust each other with confidence and serenity.

is the second time that I talk about an album written by Joan Zoboli, for the second time meeting a subtle and sophisticated language skills. Leaving aside the obscurity of expression I Have in Too Late are a playful language, full of alliterations and repetitions crackling addictive us to a distant place.

I enjoyed reading and rereading the text out loud, have stumbled repeatedly in trying to read at speed: I've never been good with words read quickly, yet the rhythm of the text is cleverly compelling, I laughed several times repeating all the tr, tr, tr, tr reminded me that, depending on the scene, the cheerful crackle of a motorcycle or the roll of a drum.

What about pictures of Camilla Engman? Who does not know it already will be pleasantly surprised to find a narrative of images so well balanced: the reality that sets in representing the adult world that slowly loses its border with the pace of the story, through the addition of small parts only sketched, rendered almost invisible, which also allude to a step change in the narrative. Pets Sleeping, rainbows unlikely, a mouse in its burrow, the hills that the return trip from almost explode to fill the void of the night, small pebbles are dropped to point the way to that mysterious place where there is too much everything. A narrative its delicate, joyful and reassuring, with a well balanced use of color: not more than four to five colors for tables, natural dyes, based on light but well-defined characters soft and comforting.

is an album I would recommend delicious not only for nap time but also for a lively reading in class.

The book comes at the same time in France, by Edizioni Helium .

For those unfamiliar with Jeanne and Camilla, I put some additional information ... a little homage and many fine interviews.

Born in Milan, Giovanna Zoboli is an important figure in the world of Italian literature to children. She is a woman who has held a variety of roles: from editor for major publishers, to editor, editor, author not only of poetry but also picture books and a graphic novel for adults entitled "A Life ", Bloomsbury Publishing Editor. In 2004 he founded with Paul Canton, the publisher Topipittori .

Over the years he has won several awards, including the prestigious Andersen Prize for best illustrated register for the age group 0-6 years, and the White Ravens in 2004 and 2005.

Joan, whom I had the pleasure to know personally, it's definitely a woman with a personality complex behind a granite hides a woman's first impression is extremely careful and sensitive, educated, never pretentious, with uncompromising probably others any more than it is not with itself. Joan has the look of sharp people who want more of the surface of things, and two arms Kindergartens ready to sweetness as to rebuke when necessary. Maybe I'm wrong, but a rationality behind especially necessary to those who make the job of editor, I believe that she is hiding a real Passionaria of the word written and illustrated. Her his lyrics reveal a lot, personally I prefer the polished phrases, as a craftsman (as he told Marguerite Yourcenar) where nothing is redundant, those phrases net, sometimes sharp, which contain everything you need to know. Those who phrases, poetry, not only loves but also writes.

Some interviews to learn more about Joan:

Read Read - & ; catid = 30: Interviste_fatte & Itemid = 37

Paradise Orc -

The poetry of John http://www.filidaquilone. it/num001brandolini4.html

Camilla Engman round artist: it is an illustrator, graphic designer and painter. The complexity of his work can be seen on his website: and sull'interessantissimo blog:

Camilla comes from Trollhättan, Sweden, has a diploma in Craft and Design and a Master of Fine Arts. Since he finished his studies he started working as a freelance artist while in his youth, he worked for a time in a hair salon, as a cleaner and a car factory until, thankfully, decided to undertake the walk of art! He had done it we would have missed so much!

Engman striking images of the cleaning, the linear nature, the essence of color, always natural, never uses the colors too bright, it partly explains why in this interview. His illustrations, as well as paintings, are never particularly complex: the heart of the image è sempre ben focalizzato ed evidente, i personaggi sono ben delineati, lo sfondo spesso bianco o comunque composto da pochi elementi e da colori chiari. In queste immagini, solo apparentemente semplici, l'immaginario dell’artista sbuca di sorpresa, in piccoli dettagli abbozzati, quasi nascosti di proposito, quasi il lettore debba voler fare lo sforzo di catturarli. Oltre alle immancabili presenze di Morran, la sua cagnolina adorata, il suo universo si arricchisce di bizzarri esseri animati, tratteggiati in velocità, che regalano alle sue tavole un lato a volte buffo, a volte ironico, sempre sorprendente. Impedibili i suoi collages di piccoli oggetti raccolti qui e là.

Mi ha molto incuriosita leggere alcune sue dichiarazioni on the "sisterhood" and friendship, his words made me think just Too Late , because it seemed perfectly summarizing the concept of the book: "[a sister / friend is] Someone who loves you Even When you are ugly inside / outside. And someone who wants to follow you on your adventures. "*, Come to think of the happy group of friends of the book is stocked in its own strange way, and yet leave together to allow Richard of his dream come true! But after hearing what he says about his creative approach: "I Like That things can change on the way, just how expressions Themselves form, and how [the journey] gets me into different Unexpected Situations ."**, there reminds us of the game for which the "too late" dell'accezione 'adult' in the imagination of Richard becomes the country Too Late ? To me it makes perfect sense! You can read the full interview here .

Another unmissable interview can be found on:

Ink on my Fingers -

Finally the interview on Poppytalk - which I have already referred above.

* "[a sister / friend is] someone who loves you even when you're ugly inside and out. Someone who wants to follow you in your adventures

** "I like the idea that things may change along the way, how the expressions are formed, and how [the trip] I can bring to unexpected situations."

Copyright © text and images of the Publishing House Topipittori 2010. The pictures were published with the permission of the publisher. The reproduction of the images in this post is prohibited.